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Fig. 3 | Cell & Bioscience

Fig. 3

From: Ahnak is required to balance calcium ion homeostasis and smooth muscle development in the urinary system

Fig. 3

Bulk RNA-seq analysis of kidney and ureter in Ahnak KO and WT mice. (A) Volcano plot showing that expression levels of calcium ion homeostasis-related genes such as Best3, Cacnb4 and P2rx3 are reduced in Ahnak KO kidney compared to WT. (B) Analysis of gene ontology (GO) indicates that channel activity, passive transmembrane transporter activity, cellular calcium ion homeostasis, and ion channel activity-related GO terms are reduced in Ahnak KO kidney compared to the WT kidney. (C) EMAP plot showing the reduced calcium related functions and connections representing shared genes in Ahnak KO mouse kidney. (D) Volcano plot presenting down-regulated genes related to calcium homeostasis and muscle development, such as Adrb1 and Cacna1d in Ahnak KO ureter. (E) Analyzed results of down-regulated GO terms show that passive transmembrane transporter activity, muscle tissue development, cellular calcium ion homeostasis, muscle system processes, and muscle contraction are reduced in Ahnak KO ureter compared to the WT. (F) EMAP plot showing that changed GO terms have a network each other and that all reduced GO terms are related to muscle development, contraction and calcium homeostasis

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