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Table 2 Summary of T-type Ca2+ channel distribution and the related channelopathy

From: Pathophysiological roles and therapeutic potential of voltage-gated ion channels (VGICs) in pain associated with herpesvirus infection


Main distribution

Inflammatory pain

Neuropathic pain

Herpes virus-induced pain

Other related disease


Excitatory neurons, inhibitory GABAergic neurons, TG and DRG

Decrease [140, 141]

Increase [138, 139]


Absence seizure, sleep/weak activity


Small and medium diameter DRG

Increase [146]

Increase [147,148,149,150,151,152]

Decrease (lytic) [12, 18]

Cardiovascular disease, autism, hyperaldosteronism and seizure


Small diameter neurons, smooth muscle cells

Increased [146]

Increase [147, 148]


Absence seizure

  1. A report showed that HSV-1 infection has no regulatory effect on the expression of VGCC [10], but it did not indicate the regulatory effect of specific subtypes
  2. N/A not applicable